Rose Baronesse is a variety of classic Old Rose that outshines most bright pink roses with its beauty. What makes this variety extra special is that unlike conventional pink cut roses, Baronesses large blooms open virtually flat when fully open and form extremely blousy blooms that exude the natural character and charm of old garden roses.
Garden Rose Baronesse spectacular blooms are made up of many, sumptuous, deep pink petals. They begin as rounded buds, with prettily waved edges. When fully open, the large outer petals surround smaller ruffled petals, forming magnificent, saucer-shaped rosettes, which give the impression of great depth. Each bloom displays a hint of attractive golden yellow stamens right in the centre when fully open.

The rose features colour new to English Roses; a blend of deep pink, fuchsia and magenta shading. The rose is evenly coloured and its colour does not fade with age. Its outer petals tending towards lighter pink but just a bit as they have a bigger surface in comparison to the central petals.
The blooms of the garden rose Baronesse are delicate, have a perfect cup opening and come in medium to large size. The rose belongs to the floribundas family and features quartered rosette shaped flowers. The garden rose Baronesse is slow opening, never fading with incredibly intense fuchsia colour.

Vase life
The rose has a respectable vase life but don’t expect a week-long performance from it as it will start wilting on the day six.
Comes from the same family as Mariatheresia
Mariatheresia is the medium pink sister of rose Baronesse. They both have essentially the same shape and only different in colour. The fragrance is very slight in both roses, but the nostalgic shape compensates for it.

Details – Rose Baronesse
Other names: –
Shape: flat, old-fashioned, rosette bloom form
Type: Floribunda
Colour: Deep pink, fuchsia
Petal Count: 40+ petals
Breeder: Rosen Tantau
Year: 2009
Fragrance: No
Vase Life: 6-8 days
You can find more information about cut roses in English Garden Roses section.