If roses are your bloom of choice, then you'll certainly fall in love with the rose garden at Greenwich Park, London. With over a hundred different rose varieties, it is a feast for the senses, creating an explosion of colour against the green landscape. From soft pastels to vibrant reds and yellows, the colour palette is as varied as it is delightful. Equally stimulating is the aromatic scent of the different roses, wafting through the garden air to further sweeten your stroll.
The lushly planted beds, predominantly hybrid tea and floribunda roses, are laid out in a symmetrical semi-circular design, offering breathtaking views from any spot within the garden. A handpicked mix of classic and modern rose varieties ensures a lasting bloom from early summer through to autumn, enticing visitors to revisit the garden throughout the different seasons.
Yet, the roses are not just a sight to behold; each one has its own story to tell. While some roses have been chosen for their supreme fragrance, others have been selected for their resistance to disease and depredation. It's a place where tradition meets innovation, creating a 'living library' of roses that are beautiful, hardy and fragrant.
For avid rose growers, a visit to Ranger's House Rose Garden at Greenwich Park is an opportunity to gain inspiration for their own gardens. Perhaps you might even spot the next rose to feature in your own garden. And for those who admire roses in all their stunning glory, this garden offers an unforgettable encounter with these charismatic blooms.
Rose Garden redesign
A deep understanding of the significance of transformation can be found in the history of the Rose Garden at Ranger's House. Originally planted in the 60s, the garden underwent a substantial redesign in 1995. The profound makeover involved not only enlargement of the garden space to accommodate more roses, but also encompassed a thoughtful replanting process. This metamorphosis was carefully executed, ensuring the preservation of the garden's essence while introducing a fresh aspect to its character.
Key to the redesign was the addition of a yew hedge enclosure. This crucial element brought a whole new dimension to the garden—rendering it an intimate and secluded retreat, capturing the essence of an English country garden within the heart of the city. The expansion and replanting process also enabled the garden to house over 100 different rose varieties, showcasing an extensive and diversely colourful display of these beloved blooms. Each of these rose varieties contributes to the unique tapestry of colour and fragrance that envelop and cajole the senses as you meander through the garden.
It's this thoughtful redesign that unites the old with the new, binds diversity with unity, and most importantly, accentuates the charisma of the roses in a tranquil setting - making the Rose Garden at Ranger's House a timeless marvel to revel in.

List of roses growing at the Greenwich Rose Garden:
The list of roses below is sourced from the map of the rose garden currently on display at Greenwich Royal Park. It showcases the roses that have been cultivated in the garden since its redesign in 1995. Some roses appear multiple times on the list, as each number corresponds to a flower bed marked on the map.
- Peacekeeper
- Mountbatten
- Momento
- Margaret Merrill
- Loving Memory
- Troika
- Just Joey
- Loving Memory
- Silver Lining
- Picadilly
- Dawn Chorus
- Peacekeeper
- Doris Tysterman
- Royal William
- ice Cream
- Troika
- Margaret Merrill
- Grandpa Dickson
- Hannah Gordon
- Mountbatten
- Dame Wendy
- Remember Me
- Bonfire Night
- Lady Mavis Pilkington
- Paul Shirville
- Rosemary Harkness
- Anne Aberconway
- Festival
- Anna Livia
- Matangi
- Amber Queen
- Pascali
- Tynwald
- Congratulations
- Hannah Gordon
- Cleopatra
- Silver Jubilee
- Korresia
- Ingrid Bergmann
- Tequila Sunrise
- Iceberg
- Memento
- Double Delight
- Iceberg
- Tequila Sunrise
- Anneka
- Trumpeter
- Mountbatten
- Paul Shirville
- Royal William
- Christopher Columbus
- Matangi
- Festival
- Silver Jubilee
- Ice Cream
- Remember Me
- Festival
- Anna Livia
- Dawn Chorus
- Ice Cream
- Many Happy Returns
- Brown Velvet
- Grandpa Dickson
- Tequila Sunrise
- Margaret Merrill
- Anna Livia
- Lady Mavis Pilkington
- Trumpeter
- Anna Livia
- The Times Rose
- Amber Queen
- Bucks Fizz
- Momento
- Valencia
- Matangi
- Dawn Chorus
- Berkshire
- Berkshire
- URNS - Cambridgeeshire
- URNS - Cambridgeeshire
- Heavenly Rosalind
- Rosa Pimpinellifolia
- Winchester Cathedral
- Rosa Hibernica
- Rosa Virginiana
- Pat Austin
- Rosa Paulii
- Rosa Speciosa
- English Garden
- Rosa Complicata
- Rosa Moyesii
- Sweet Juliet
- Red Coat
- Berkshire
- Sharifa Asma
- Berkshire
- L D Braithwaite
- Heavenly Rosalind
- Winchester Cathedral
- The Dark Lady
- Bibi Maizon
- Sharifa Asma
- Graham Thomas
- Golden Celebration
- Tradescant
- Peach Blossom
- Peach Blossom
- The Pilgrim
- Abraham Derby
- Michelle Meilland
- Just Joey
- Ruby Wedding
- All Gold

To sum it up, the rose garden at Ranger’s House, Greenwich is a perfect blend of natural beauty, horticultural excellence and historical richness. The entire place provides a deeply satisfying experience for rose enthusiasts, history buffs and those seeking serenity amid the urban landscape. So, why not plan a visit to this charming corner of Greenwich and let the Ranger’s House roses captour your heart and delight your senses?