As a devoted rose enthusiast, I've had the pleasure of visiting countless gardens across England. However, few can compare to the breathtaking beauty and diversity of the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden at RHS Garden Wisley. This horticultural masterpiece is a must-visit destination for anyone with a passion for roses or simply an appreciation for exquisite garden design.
Located within easy reach of central London, the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden offers a perfect day trip for those seeking a fragrant escape from urban life. As you step into this floral paradise, you're immediately enveloped by a tapestry of colors and scents that showcase the very best of rose cultivation.
Garden Layout and Design
The garden's innovative design, created by award-winning designer Robert Myers, brilliantly combines three key elements: roses, herbaceous plants, and mature trees. This thoughtful approach extends the season of interest and helps reduce the likelihood of disease – a common concern for rose growers.
The layout creates a mesmerizing "river of colour and scent," with hot hues seamlessly blending into cooler tones and back again. Winding paths guide visitors through is floral wonderland, with mature trees surrounded by circular lawns serving as focal points and adding vertical interest to the landscape.
A Rich History and Collection
The Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden boasts an impressive collection of over 4,000 roses, representing more than 150 varieties. This comprehensive display serves as a living encyclopedia of rose types, from true old roses and hybrid musks to English roses, floribundas, and species roses.
One of the garden's unique features is its inclusion of discontinued David Austin varieties, such as the deeply-hued 'Munstead Wood'. This preservation of rare cultivars adds an element of horticultural history to the garden's charm.

Notable Roses and Companion Plants
While it's challenging to highlight just a few standouts among such a vast collection, some notable roses include:
1. 'Graham Thomas' (David Austin) - A rich yellow climbing rose with a strong, fresh tea rose fragrance.
2. 'Gertrude Jekyll' (David Austin) - Known for its strong, old rose scent and pink rosette-shaped blooms.
3. 'Munstead Wood' (David Austin) - A velvety crimson shrub rose with a strong old rose fragrance. Now a discontinued David Austin Rose
4. 'Iceberg' (Kordes) - A classic white floribunda with excellent disease resistance.
5. 'Boscobel' (David Austin) - A salmon-pink shrub rose with a myrrh fragrance.
The garden also features roses from other renowned breeders, including Harkness Roses, known for their hardy and disease-resistant varieties.
Complementing the roses are over 5,000 herbaceous plants, carefully selected to enhance the overall design and extend the garden's visual interest throughout the seasons. These include:
1. Salvias - providing spikes of color in various shades
2. Geraniums - offering low-growing groundcover and pops of color
3. Nepeta (Catmint) - with its soft purple blooms and aromatic foliage
4. Alliums - adding structural interest with their globe-shaped flowers
Magnificent Trees
The mature trees in the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden play a crucial role in its design and atmosphere. Three notable specimens to admire are:
1. Indian bean tree (Catalpa bignonioides AGM)
2. Black walnut (Juglans nigra AGM)
3. Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos 'Sunburst' AGM)
These majestic trees provide shade, structure, and a sense of permanence to the garden.

List of roses spotted in the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden:
Roses inside the The Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden (number 7 on the map)
- Rosa Wisley 2008 ('Ausbreze') (S)
- Rosa Carpet Red Velvet (’Noare’) - has award sign
- Rosa Hansa
- Rosa xanthina f. Hugonis
- Rosa Home Run (‘Wekcisbako’) - has award sign
Rosa Chilterns (‘Kortemma’) (GC) - Rosa Flover Carpet Ruby (GC)
- Rosa Highgrove (‘Hornightshade’) (Cl)
- Rosa Moment in Time ‘Korcastrav’ - has award sign
- Rosa National Trust (HT)
- Rosa Remembrence (‘Haarxampton’) (F) - has award sign
- Rosa Port Sunlight (‘Auslofty’ )(HM)
- Rosa Simply the best (’Macamster’) (HT) - has award sign
- Rosa Rosemoor ('Austough')
- Rosa Seagull
- Rosa Deep Secret
- Rosa Belmonte ('Harpearl')
- Rosa Elina ('Dicjana') - HT - has award sign
- Rosa Golden Beauty (‘Korderbeni’) - has award sign
- Rosa Dame Judy Dench (’Ausquaker’)
- Rosa The Lady Gardener (’Ausbrass’)
- Rosa Precious Amber
- Rosa My Valentine (’Korcoluma’) (HT) - has award sign
- Rosa Olivia Rose Austin (‘Ausmixture’) (S)
- Rosa Scepter’d Island (’Ausland’)
- Rosa Munstead Wood (‘Ausbernard’)
- Rosa Lady Emma Hamilton (’Ausbrother’) - has award sign
- Rosa De Resht
- Rosa Wild Edric ('Aushedge')
- Rosa Tam o'Shanter ('Auscerise')
- Rosa Skylark ('Ausimple')
- Rosa Twice in Blue Moon ('Tan96138')
- Rosa Darcey Bussell ('Ausdecorum')
- Rosa Ladf of Megginch ("Ausvolume')
- Rosa Moody Blue ('Fryniche') (HT)
- Rosa Gertrude Jekyll ('Ausbord') (S) - has award sign
- Rosa Foxi ('Uhlater') (Ru)
- Rosa Scent-sation Fryromeo (HT)
- Rosa Young Lycidas ('Ausvibrant')
- Rosa Its a wonderful life ('Dictwix')
- Rosa Cariad ('Auspanier') (HM)
- Rosa Tea Clipper ('Ausrover')
- Rosa A Whiter Shade of Pale ('Peafanfare')
- Rosa Belmonte ('Harpearl')
- Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent ('Ausmerchant')
- Rosa Boscobell ('Auscousin')
- Rosa The Mayflower ('Austilly')
- Rosa Grace ('Auskeppy')
- Rosa Solero ('Korgeleflo')
- Rosa Naomi
- Rosa Utopia ('Delsimros')
- Rosa County of Staffordshire ('Korsoalgu')
- Rosa Cambridgeshire ('Korhaugen') County Series
- Rosa Aphrodite ('Tan00847')
- Rosa Comte De Champagne ('Ausufo')
- Rosa 'Sally Holmes'
- Rosa Eyes for You ('Pejbigeye') - has award sign
- Rose Harlow Carr ('Aushouse')
- Rosa Volcano ('Korcolipas')
- Rosa 'Gardenia' (Ra)
- Rosa Wollerton Old Hall ('Ausblanket')
- Rosa Princess Anne ('Auskitchen')
- Rosa Elizabeth ('Ausmajesty')
- Rosa Emily Bronte ('Ausearnshaw')
- Rosa Generouse Gardener ('Ausdrawn')
- Rosa Iceberg ('Korbin') (F) - has award sign
- Rosa Kores ('Harpacific') (S)
- Rosa Worcestershire ('Kerlalon') (GC)
- Rosa Molineux ('Ausmol) (S) - has award sign
- Rosa Vanessa Bell ('Ausseasel')
- Rosa Postillion ('Kortionza')
- Rosa Golden Wedding ('Arokris')
- Rosa Bring Me Sunshine ('Ausernie')
- Rosa Felicite Perpetue (Ra) - has award sign
- Rosa Pauls Himalayan Musk (Ra) - has award sign
- Rosa rhapsodia in Blue ('Framasia') (S)
- Rosa Lyda Rose ('Letlyda') (S)
- Rosa Bright as a Button ('Chewsumsigns') - has award sign
- Rosa Eye of the Storm ('Wekeots')
- Rosa Tickled Pink ('Fryhunky') (F)
- Rosa Morning Mist ('Ausfire')
- Rosa x centifolia ('Cristata) (Ce) - has award sign
- Rosa Pax
- Rosa Flower Carpet White ('Noaschnee') (SC) - has award sign
- Rosa Cecile Brunner - has award sign
- Rosa Claire Austin ('Ausprior') (S)
- Rosa Sweet Haze ('Tan97274') - has award sign
- Rosa Eustacia Vye ('Ausegdon')
- Rosa Wildeve ('Ausbonny') (S)
- Rosa You're Beautiful ('Fryracy') (F)
- Rosa Young Princess ('Tan02670') (F)
- Rosa Flower Carpet Red Velvet ('Noare') (GC/S)
- Rosa Charisma ('Noa16071')
- Rosa spinosissma ('Grandiflora')
- Rosa Varenna Allen ('Harmode') (F)
- Rosa Leah Tutu ('Hornavel')
- Rosa The Poets Wife ('Auswhirl')
- Rosa Worcestershire ('Korlalon') (GC)
- Rosa Lichtkonigin Lucia ('Korlillub') (S)
- Rosa Glorious ('Interictira') (HT)
- Rosa Queen of Sweden (Austiger)
- Rosa Tottering By Gently ('Ausca
- Rosa Daybreak
- Rosa Cantabrigiensis (S) - has award sign
- Rosa Nutkana ('Plena') - has award sign
- Rosa Rosy Cushion ('Interall') (S/GC)
- Rosa Silver Ghost ('Kormifari') (S)
- Rosa xanthina ('Canary Bird') (S) - has award sign
- Rosa Easy Going ('Harflow') (F) - has award sign
- Rosa Mountbatten ('Harmantelle') - has award sign
- Rosa Buttercup ('Ausband) (S)
- Rosa Poetry in Motion ('harelan') (HT)
- Rosa Freedom ('Dicjem') - has award sign
- Rosa York Minster ('Harquest')
- Rosa Flower carpet Gold ('Noalesa') (GC)
- Rosa Red Letter Day ('Beajackdaw') (S)
- Rosa Norwich Caste
- Rosa Gold Spice ('Frymega')
- Rosa Chinatown (F) - has award sign
- Rosa Lady Hillingdon (T)
- Rosa The Pilgrim ('Auswalker') (S)
- Rosa Lady Marmalade ('Hartiger') (F)
- Rosa Dupontii (S)
- Rosa Absolutely Fabulous ('Wekvossutono') (F)
- Rosa Isnt she Lovely ('Diciluvit') (HT)
- Rosa Lichfield Angel ('Ausrelate') (S) - has award sign
- Rosa Susan Willams-Ellis ('Ausquirk') (S)
- Rosa Royal Philarmonic ('Hardeed') (HT)
- Rosa Silver Anniversary ('Poulari') (HT) - has award sign
- Rosa Remember ('Poulht001') (HT)
- Rosa Joie de Vivre ('Korfloci 01')
- Rosa Keros ('Harpacific') (S)
- Rosa Fru Dagmar Hstrup (Ru) - has award sign
- Rosa Mary Delany ('Ausorts') - has award sign
- Rosa Multibracteata
- Rosa Welwyn Garden Glory ('Harzumber') (HT)

Roses by Walled Garden (number 26 on the map)
- Rosa ‘Mrs Oakley Fisher’
- Rosa Bright and Breezy ‘Dicjive’
- Rosa Climbing Cicile Brunner - has award sign
Roses in the Cottage Garden (number 5 on the map)
- Climbing Rosa 'Mulliganii' - China rose
- Rosa A Shopshire Lad ('Ausled') (S)
- Rosa Buff Beauty (HM) - has award sign
- Rosa Gertrude Jekyll ('Ausbird') - has award sign
- Rosa Felicia - has award sign
- Rosa Wild Thing ('Jactoose') - has award sign
Roses in the Mixed Borders (number 4 on the map)
- Rosa x Odorata Bengal Crimson (CH) Sanguinea Group
- Rosa x odorata Mutabilis - has award sing
- Rosa Centre stage (’Chewcreepy’) - has award sign
- Rosa For Your Eyes only ('Cheweyesup')
Roses by the Old Lab
- Climbing Lady Hillingdon
- Rosa 'The Fairy' (Poly) - has award sign
Roses by the Old Lab - on the car park side
- Rosa ‘Crimson Shower’ - red climbing rose
- Rosa Queen of Sweden (Austiger)

A Living Laboratory: Where Rose Excellence Blossoms
The Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden at RHS Wisley is far more than a feast for the senses—it's a horticultural crucible where the future of rose cultivation takes shape.
The garden's expansive beds, with their varied shapes and exposures, serve as an outdoor laboratory for RHS experts. Here, they push the boundaries of rose cultivation, experimenting with novel plant combinations that challenge conventional wisdom and inspire home gardeners to dream big.
But the second true gem for rose aficionados lies just beyond, in the RHS Trials Garden. This is hallowed ground for rose enthusiasts, where the crème de la crème of garden roses compete for the coveted Award of Garden Merit (AGM). Over a rigorous four-year period, roses are put through their paces, evaluated for everything from disease resistance to bloom quality.
For visitors, the trial beds offer an unparalleled opportunity to witness rose excellence in action. Here, you'll find a curated selection of the most promising varieties, each vying to prove its worth as a supreme garden performer. It's a chance to glimpse the future stars of the rose world before they reach wider fame.
As you wander through these trial beds, you're not just observing roses—you're participating in horticultural history. The varieties that triumph here will shape the gardens of tomorrow, carrying forward the rich tradition of British rose breeding.
For any serious rose lover or aspiring gardener, the trial beds are an essential stop on your Wisley journey. They offer a unique opportunity to compare and contrast varieties side by side, gaining insights that can inform your own gardening choices for years to come.
In essence, the Wisley garden and its associated trial beds represent the beating heart of rose innovation in Britain. It's a living, breathing testament to the enduring allure of the rose and the tireless efforts of horticulturists to perfect nature's most beloved flower.

Visiting the Garden
For rose enthusiasts, there's no substitute for seeing these beautiful plants in bloom. The Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden offers an unparalleled opportunity to experience a vast array of roses in a single location, making it an invaluable resource for those considering adding roses to their own gardens.
Whether you're a seasoned rosarian or simply someone who appreciates natural beauty, the Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden at RHS Wisley is a true celebration of the "queen of flowers." Its innovative design, diverse collection, and stunning presentation make it, without doubt, one of the finest rose gardens in England. As the seasons change and the garden evolves, each visit promises new discoveries and delights – a testament to the enduring allure of the rose.